Playdate $3 coffee + snacks x 10
Family day $50 (family of 4 BBQ and entertainment)
Preschool fair $20 per family
Three Indoor play events $30 x 3 - you pay $10 x 3 (per family)
Two Bouncy house events $20 x 2 - you pay $10 x 2 (per family)
Two Fun at the Farm events $40 x 2 - you pay $15 x 2 (per family)
Parents' Nights Out Being connected to an online community with kids Finding your nanny on the PAMP FB group - priceless! Exposure to local kid classes at play dates Curated discounts to local businesses - minimum $20 Finding your preschool at Preschool Fair - priceless! Using your weekend time efficiently to try new things and make new friends